Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Inspiring Manifesto

This morning Dominic Ebacher posted this at the Wisconsin Ishmael Reader's Group. I highly recommend checking out his Manifesto. I thought it was well done.

Hello everyone here - especially curt. I've never posted to the group before, but have responded to many of the individual posts. I just wanted you all to know that I've finally done it: and that for the first time in my life I am taking solid steps to leave taker culture and just walk away. I just earned my degree a few weeks ago, and starting in March I begin my transition to a simpler life. I couldn't think of too many people that would be excited, so I thought I'd post here; thinking maybe someone would find my thoughts or experiences even a little bit encouraging.

I wrote up the bulk of my thoughts on my homepage here:

I would be honored if you, my fellow aspirants towards a more simple way of life would read these few words of mine, and if possible leave me some words of encouragement of your own as I set off into my new life (as so many in my life are desserting me, now that I am not conforming to the taker lifestyle as they hoped I would). It really would mean a lot to me.

Thanks again Curt for all your wisdom and involvement - at the end of the month I return to Washington. If you're looking for a great getaway (and I mean FROM IT ALL) look me up. Mention ishmael, and I'll get you everything you need, you'll always be welcome in my home and that's the way it should be.

Be well!

Dominic Ebacher

I always enjoy reading and supporting people living there own stories. In fact, I do so much of it that I rarely get a chance to write about my own personal story. Oh well, right now I'm having fun supporting and reading about others.

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